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بعيدا عن كل مشاكل العالم نغوص فى بئر الموت حيث الظلام والرعب والصراخ فكر جيدا قبل دخولك الى هنا

2 مشترك

    The Haunting

    عاشقة الحزن
    عاشقة الحزن
    حارس الظلام

    عدد المساهمات : 131
    نقاط : 200
    تاريخ التسجيل : 27/02/2009
    العمر : 31
    الموقع : http://honesty.yoo7.com/

    The Haunting Empty The Haunting

    مُساهمة  عاشقة الحزن السبت يونيو 13, 2009 1:41 pm

    Representing with very numerous individuals this issue so I have it in full available for use

    Open door, Closed door - myself a celebrity and my own revolving around celebrities and the world of celebs and bodyguards and concerns and precautions led me to learn of the ultimate mystery which is no mystery at all given the Cain and Abel story from the Bible. Human is an ultimate capability killer. Celeb friends in the past often with their black belts in Martial Arts and strength and "wisdom" often would so much as visit their parents or relatives to spend the night again in their favorite bedroom only to not wake up next morning because the door was kept open and the mother or father to their little knowledge knew some pressure point techniques or whatever and came up at them when they were asleep and axed the "idiot" to death or threw in some acid at breakfast time due to trust of not getting hurt by their relatives. The all famous to us, celebs, Zombie Effects, or Ghosts at Work, meaning some force comes over one and not responsible for their actions your open bedroom door is your doom by the hand of your relation. This means all doors to be lockable; talk things over, if there is trust with a relative or loved one perhaps just locks on doors and using those will due; if one will axe their way into the bedroom through the door you might need to leave the residence for your safety and to avoid medical bills; this means several pairs of eyes watching your pet(s); this means several pairs of trusted eyes to watch your kids while they are playing around their father or uncle or whatever; this means babysitters and house servants is good hire that they maintain eyes on everything; this may mean in more extreme cases metallic protection that nobody can break through your windows and kill you, motion sensors, booby traps stopping intruders from getting to you, exercise and self-defense knowledge to beat off an attack; all possible precautions and skills; this also means settiing up a family budget that each individual goes out to get food for themselves and monitoring other’s cooking for you that they don’t throw anything in; this means getting catered food and as celebs often do to sporadically and unpredictably eat at various places and to change and use different places all the time. That’s right it means most in your family tree were murdered and hardly anyone ever died of natural causes. Put but pressure for few minutes or mostly less on a vein or arterry and the heart would pop. I stand for end and minimum to cruelty to non-human living beings and I am against any child abuse. (Addition by special request: Yes, so this is how over 20 years or 5 years one has had a relative, a brother or sister or everyone in the household knock them out with a stick and then poke them on the head with a pen’s end and over time how kids go crazy or that time the parents had a fight and father decided son dies and smacks the son real good but does not kill him and then parents make up and my Psychology disciple meets the child who tells him he had a stroke according to parents at few months old. So dangerous are humans that any time one has eyes closed and is relaxing around people assume you will be killed and when one is not watching something pertaining to them like a relation cooking for them that the poison is added to the food.) So dangerous are humans that prying eyes bad enough anytime in fact one is inevitably looking for contact with other humans but anytime one falls asleep the others can kill the asleep individual or can cause brain damage or psychological problems. Hospital stay is averaging $10 thousand US dollars per day plus hundreds in tests and analysis per such event and a typical surgery or operation averages about and well over $150 thousand US dollars. Slightest error and you will also go broke and owe more on hospital bills you are likely to earn and there is basically no end to fellow humans abilities’ to hurt you. Celeb friends of mine use walkie-talkie and such radios and cell phone radio ability to double-check how another in their household so much as feels exiting a locked bedroom to go to the washroom. This is where from my own travels I too get these hilarious scenarios of Arabs coming up to me stating to view thier 3-flat with generations of same family living there like 100 persons per household not realizing this is a recipe one day for a relation to go on a shooting spree killing off entire clan; or statements like for me to consider how many people live in any country or just about any concept aside from constant need to outsmart other humans to not get caught asleep; this is basically historically the source of most death in the world, the open doors and human trust and this open door situation mildly stated is why there are retards or people with including moles and freckles because relation beating them left scarring on their skin or speech problems or any problems as mostly humans were not brought about into the world for problems but these are acquired through humans around other humans. Yes this means parents wanted to get rid of you and they got an HIV shot or they purposely fed you sugar that you would get diabetes or any problem that arose it was your relatives or close friends or friends and then of course the fear of anyone else you are ever around who might attack you, stab you, shoot you when you are around anyone else. So the culprits go by every name, middle name and last name and us among more educated we know not to cheer but perhaps better to boo anyone who dies and died because they were your serial killers, rapists, abusers, the "quiet suburbanites who would have kids to abuse them but all is nice and quiet in the Suburbs, beautiful homes and cars and seeming order"; this is time for grandparents and relatives also to get in and stop the abuse out there in such quiet areas of the world and to get in there and see what’s happening to their grandkids and so we know with humans the possbilities and concerns are endless and so the "mugs" have titles as: fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, grandparents, aunts, uncles, any title for relations.

    Need for reshuffling of the Earth’s residents: since finding out about the problem of human interaction needs (meaning including abuse stemming from abuser or several abusers being in residence with the would be victim) it has become understood that the faulty building of much of residential buildings built to try to house as many as possible like human sardines is faulty as 2 billion deaths of the 4.8 billion humans who died in history of humans died as result of relative’s abusive procedures and another 1 billion became disabled or psychologically damaged or injured as a result of relatives living in such packed homes that now the movement is to build (noting among the young and the adults I have those helping in worldwide improvements and those on the way to help but many of these are in the path of death or injury due to improper living up to now mostly worldwide; so tent cities need to and are arising everywhere to house the refugee would be abused and hurt and houses are built "Southern-style" with each relative having their own seperate house and with single-use plates and kitchetware and catered or purchased under mutual supervision food family gets together to each double-checking everybody is in decent mood by modern walkie-talkies and such option with cell phones the planet’s humans are on the move and getting into most proper footing to accept the improvements to come discussed but cannot because most humans on Earth are not safe. (I myself thanks to schooling and with individuals came back in the day to financially rescue The Haunted individuals, houses and families. Back then but with shows on Cable such as The Haunting we still see the improper understanding of things; with a Demon or ghost or Satan protecting a child or relative unable to directly state through wording of any of the relatives that some of the relatives will try to hurt the important child including Priests from the Church the assumption was the would be victim is haunted and they would often end up killing the would be victim (alas, saving them from future such demise either way) or injuring the would be victim unable to solve the mystery of the Haunted places and people (haunted house because that’s where pain and abuse and possible murder would take place and haunted persons because these are either the would be abusers and killers or the would be victims with spirits on evil side and good side acting with this much being somewhat known). Already discussed whether in a Nursing home or in the hospital for money or for pleasure once one is left alone with a nurse or doctor or on their own surrounding humans are the ones who would carry out an attack. This is so with such parents of "hanted kids" with kid left alone often with the abuser but the child was wrongly seen as the one causing the trouble due to bringing about the presence of actually a protective force but this too played out by evil persons and killers and abusers to shield the truth of what they would be accused of. (this human migration caused by the past lack of knowledge is the biggest obstacle to expedient worldwide improvement but improvement is taking place quickly)

    I can add since this discovery including by me and my and disciples of friend’s disciples we started not to trust what parents told their injured kids, for example and we found indeed chisel-type instruments along with hammers being used to if the bedroom or room is open then quick jerk to the victim, tap against the vein or artery and then month later there is paralysis of the arm or worse yet sophisticated attacks involving pressing against pressure points in any order that it would take only handful of professionals if one can find them to press in some reverse "code" that the "curse" can be released; whether it’s vodka-drinking families among Europeans or beer binging in the Americas the idea is the same by the abuser, to get would be abused drunk or into especially any helpless state to do the damage; including I deal with by communication too in Africa or in Asia and their statements up to finding out is their society is such that the "left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing" or that overcrowding and nobody has ever stopped to think much of anything and that’s how damage happens as sort of don’t think but help your sister or brother; we easily have numerous cases of trusting parents leaving kids together except either youngster has a habit of hitting the other on the back of the head resulting in stuttering and mental problems; careless mother who licks her spoon feeling her germs will not affect the child; whether mom is a policewoman or somebody is a black belt all these things go into The Conspiracy and increase the sophisticated nature of hurting and abuse; needless to state any show dealing with any Haunting of a place involves idea that any place has enemies which would love to come in to shoot everybody up or to attack the place somehow that this is also why spirits of the "possibilities" of the would be dead are in place but the culprits are somewhere else plotting at most or considering things and spirits are acting up in anticipation and warning.
    please keep in mind obviously that likely nobody from my side and especially I am not the ones of any concern to you as I am not the one around you in your residence that would be the one knocking you out or damaging your thinking or causing you a beating or psychological problems or sexually molesting you at night. It’s your parents, kids, ants and uncles, brothers and sisters, cousins and any relatives who have access to anywhere you are at, and it’s also your friends sometimes and anyone in the immediate area you are at at any time, so it’s also not necessarily any member of any other ethnic group or another race and not an "opposing or enemy country or people", it’s your own relatives, friends, those around you. (all the things done to humans by other humans so is it with animals that humans also do the same things to the animals, whether it’s squishing veins or suffocating them; my own acquaintances due to some "homocidal" nature against some animals would go for my friend’s animals to try to hurt them when nobody was watching luckily caught that as one watches for a child so should one watch out for welfare of the pet. Thanks for your understanding and consideration in where priorities are
    Queen"s heart&

    عدد المساهمات : 121
    نقاط : 214
    تاريخ التسجيل : 22/05/2009
    العمر : 31

    The Haunting Empty رد: The Haunting

    مُساهمة  Queen"s heart& السبت يونيو 13, 2009 2:12 pm

    that is really fantastic
    I hope to read more storys for u

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو السبت سبتمبر 28, 2024 6:18 pm